The San Diego Harmonics Chorale consists of approximately 35+ talented men and women singing choral music in the soprano, alto, tenor, and bass parts with accompaniment.  Our group also features smaller vocal ensembles and our songs often have opportunities for specialty solos.  The music performed includes old and new pop, rock, some ballads, and a bit of Broadway.

The San Diego Harmonics Chorale is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our proceeds help support music education for young students.  We provide an outlet for singers to entertain audiences through private and public performances and promote the appreciation of choral music.  We are a friendly, energetic group that loves to sing and perform for our community.

The chorale formed in early 2020,  just as the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning to restrict public gatherings.   Consequently, rehearsals were delayed, however in early 2022 we began to meet and start singing!  Our Spring and Holiday shows in 2022 were sold out. In 2023 we performed a Spring and Holiday show at the Grant Ritz Theater in Escondido. This was a wonderful venue for us, but in 2024 we decided to perform closer to our “home” so we held our Spring performance at the San Diego Oasis in Rancho Bernardo. This smaller, more intimate space allows us to better connect with our audiences, and the enthusiastic reception from our two almost sold out shows lets us know we are on the right track.

If you love music as much as we do, we hope that you will bookmark this website and stay tuned for updates!

Meet our Board of Directors 

See our virtual performances